Team USA til MXoN bekræftet
De amerikanske mesterskaber er på Unadilla her i weekenden, og som bebudet, så har AMA meldt ud, hvem der skal forsøge at hente MXoN-trofæet hjem til staterne, når løbet ruller over Red Bud senere på året. Og som det har været visket rundt omkring, så blev det med Eli Tomac som holdkaptajn, Aaron Plessinger i MX2 og så med Justin Barcia i Open-klassen. Både rutinerede og nye kræfter, og som om det ikke var nok, så er den lovede duel imellem Europas og USAs hurtigste kørere en realitet! Team Holland bekræftede nemlig deres hold her tidligere på ugen, og det bliver med Jeffrey Herlings, Calvin Vlaanderen og Glenn Coldenhoff.
Og når vi nu alligevel snakker om Motocross of Nations, så er det tyske hold også blevet bekræftet i de seneste dage, med Ken Roczen som holdkaptajn. Der er er derfor lagt op til et brag af et showdown, når det bliver tid at uddele trofæet.
Desværre bliver det dog uden Marvin Musquin, der faktisk vandt på Red Bud tidligere i år, efter interne uoverensstemmelser med det franske forbund. Musquin meldte offentligt ud, at han er bitter over ikke at være blevet udtaget, og at han både var motiveret og klar til at køre. Du kan læse den fulde udtalelse fra Musquin herunder på engelsk, og så ellers danne dig din egen mening. Det franske hold kommer til at bestå af Gautier Paulin (der ifølge det franske forbund var det mest sikre kort), Dylan Ferrandis og Romain Febvre.
Udtalelse fra Marvin Musquin:
"Hello everyone,
"As you might have heard already through the video posted by the French Federation today, I have had the unpleasant surprise to find out that I wasn't picked to race the MX of Nations for Team France.
"I think it's now important that I say a few words about what Jacques Bolle, President of the French Federation, said at the team announcement were the reasons and factors they looked at in selecting the team this year.
"First of all, the motivation… For the record, the French coach came to America for the Red Bud national and spoke with me there to make sure I was motivated and available to race Des Nations. I confirmed I was one hundred percent motivated and that being teammates with Dylan Ferrandis would be great! Also, what greater motivation is there for me to perform than to race in front of the world here in the US on a track I just won? If that's not motivation enough then I don't know what would be!
"Jacques Bolle also talks about the importance for the rider to be healthy and performing good around this time of the year. Seriously, what do you want me to say to that? My results speak for themselves. I finished second in the AMA SX this year and I'm currently a title contender for the outdoor championship with three races left! I won RedBud this year and I've been racing at RedBud for the last eight years…
"I'll save everyone time and not go into details about the planning and logistics that have already gone in to be part of that race from either my side, my Red Bull KTM team's side, the factory, my sponsors and or the rest of my crew…
"To me it's sad to be overlooked again especially given the race is going to be here in the US where I compete almost every weekend for the last eight years now and against many top riders that I am sure will be selected on the US home team. But I do really want to thank everyone who has and continues to support me and thank all the French, American and all the other fans who have shown their support for me after this announcement. It means a lot to me."